Commonwealth Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Environment Management System Development


To achieve certification of the Canberra office operations of the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE) to the ISO 14001 international environmental management systems standard.  As one of the Australian Government’s key advisors on environmental matters, DCCEE were seeking an EMS which was of a high standard and capable of forming a model for other organisations.  Professional staff of the Department took a keen interest in the EMS development process, necessitating a high level of consultation with interested parties within the organisation.


DCCEE appointed a part-time EMS Coordinator to implement the EMS.  An initial Gap Analysis was carried out by Graham A Brown & Associates against the requirements of ISO 14001, and recommendations made for achievement of the standard.  An Action Plan was created to implement the recommendations, and a timetable was developed to achieve certification.

DCCEE chose to purchase the Intelex Performance Management System to manage their EMS and control EMS documentation.  The use of dedicated software was designed to ensure that the integrity of the system could be maintained through staff and organisational changes.

Graham A Brown & Associates took the major role in drafting EMS procedures and other documentation.  A Graham A Brown & Associates Mentor was appointed, who made regular visits to mentor the EMS Coordinator, facilitate meetings of the departmental EMS Committee and continually review progress towards certification.

Graham A Brown & Associates also provided training in EMS awareness, environmental auditing and use of the Intelex Performance Management System.


DCCEE was successfully certified to ISO 14001 by an independent certification body, NCS International, and certification was maintained until the Department was incorporated into the Department of Environment and Energy.


Graham A Brown & Associates provided ongoing support for the training of EMS coordinators and staff including Intelex training.

DCCEE was one of nine Commonwealth Government organisations for which Graham A Brown & Associates has provided EMS development services over the past decade:

  • Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
  • Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • National Library of Australia
  • Australian War Memorial
  • Department of Human Services
  • Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
  • Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  • Australian Antarctic Division